Our Amazing Team is here to help serve your taping needs. In-person OR virtually! Read on to learn about them and what they offer.
Meet the Team.
Meet Sarah.
We’ve known Sarah since she was an ACTUAL teenager. She came on board with us in the Fall of 2021.
You can request Sarah as your:
• Zoom Reader - see below
Meet Ja'Corey.
While we’ve known Ja’Corey for what seems like forever, he only came to work at Get Taped in the Fall of 2021.
You can request Ja’Corey as your:
• Zoom Reader - see below
Meet Katy.
Katy found us in 2022, and shortly thereafter came on board as a part-timer. She also does teaching and coaching through Arvold Warner Studio (AWS).
You can request Katy as your:
• Zoom Reader - see below
• Audition Coach - 30min=$45, 1hr=$80 - REQUEST NOW!
Meet Parker.
We’ve known Parker for over 10 years! He used to tape with us all the time, and even helped us with being a reader back in the day.
You can request Parker as your:
• Zoom Reader - See below
• Audition Coach - $75/hr - REQUEST NOW!
Meet Brooke & Matt.
This page is really for the rest of our staff, but if you want to learn more about the Owners, you can check out our Power Couple page here.
FYI, we are NOT available to coach or be Zoom readers at this time.
ZOOM Reader Rates:
$1.00/min (20min minimum)- Ask for this if you only need a reader. For this rate to apply, we can host the Zoom call, but YOU must be the one responsible for recording and all editing/uploading. We recommend that you record your video on a separate device.
Why don’t we offer to record the Zoom? The quality of the video is DRASTICALLY WORSE than if you record video on your end with your phone or camera. It’s the limitations of Zoom, unfortunately.